HETAS What does it mean?

HETAS What does it mean?
HETAS is a none profit organisation. It is a governing board like OFTEC and GASE SAFE for installers of biomass and solid fuel heating, a registration for retailers, chimney sweeps and approval of appliances and fuels.
FACT: A HETAS installer can self-certificate rather than applying for Building Notice with your local authority.
In England and Wales installation work relating to domestic solid fuel, wood and biomass and the associated systems for heating, controls and hot water are subject to Building Regulations. The Approved Documents F, J, L, G, P are applicable and most work is notifiable to the relevant Local Authority. The information notified to them is required for household insurance and the future sale of properties. Where work is carried out by a HETAS registered installer, for the category of work being done, the installer can self-certificate their work via HETAS rather than the customer applying for a Building Notice from their Local Authority.
The Stove House is HETAS registered.
Read more on building regulations and legal requirements here.