What size heat output / kW wood burning stove do I need? – The Stove House

What size heat output / kW wood burning stove do I need?

There are many stoves to choose from and it’s not as simple as, ‘my room size is ‘X’ therefore I need a ‘X’ kw stove’. 

So many people come into our stove showroom and say ‘I’ve calculated the size stove I need and it’s a ‘X’ kw out put’ or ‘I have a large fireplace so I need a large stove’. They don’t take into account the age of the property, the amount of glass in the room, what shape the room is, if there are stairs in the room, how many doors are off the room and so on.

We ask you a series of questions which gradually narrows down the stove range to a selection that personally suits your requirements. You will receive face to face advice on our stoves and we will listen to what you visually would like to achieve as well as what your heating needs are. We will survey your fireplace or space where you would like the stove to be positioned and compile a detailed report which will allow us to establish the correct size of stove and heat output you require. It also may be helpful to watch our video on 'How to choose stove-3 questions to ask yourself'.

This then ensures the performance of the stove allowing it to burn effectively and efficiently. We also explain to you how to use your stove correctly and what fuel to use and if you would like a demonstration we are happy for you to visit our showroom where we can show you on one of our live models. Too many people install the wrong heat output stove and suffer the consequences, we will not do this.

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