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Heat making your baffle warp?

Warped from the heat?......No not you, your baffle plate!! Hi Everyone, Baffled? Well the baffle is the metal plate that sits inside your stove at the top. One of its jobs is to keep the heat in your stove longer and prevents it shooting up the flue. You may have noticed it has bowed, split, or it doesn't fit correctly anymore. It can be dangerous if its warped to the point of where it keeps falling down onto your fire bed, especially when the fire is alight.   What causes the warping of a baffle plate. The most common cause of parts getting damaged in your woodburning stove, including a warped baffle plate is the over firing of your stove. Overfiring is when...

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Wood Ash - Do's & Don'ts

Just to remind those of you who have already got a stove, that Spring is now well established and if you are planning not to use your stove for a few weeks then please remember to empty the ash out. At the end of the heating season, it is appropriate to remove the ashes from your stove because the ashes actually have the potential to draw moisture that can cause rusting of metal components. The acidic nature of the ash combined with moisture can be very destructive to the metal components.

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