Chimineas and outdoor woodburners, stoves, firepits and kamado grill at The Stove House nr Chichester in West Sussex, your local fireplace showroom 01730 810931

Preparing your garden for entertaining this Summer


Hello lovely woodburning folk!

I bet you haven't put your stoves to bed just yet!!

Well warmer days are due and now we can start to preparing our gardens, turning them into our new outdoor dining/sitting rooms!

outdoor woodburningstove- out side woodburner-firepits-pizza-ovens-chimineas-and-more-at-the-stove-house-in-midhurst-your-local-fireplace-showroom-01730-810931

The Stove House have some new outdoor products to help you achieve this. We have new Outdoor Stoves, Chimineas, Firepits and my personal favorites.....the Kamado grills.

Kamado bbq grill that cooks roasts smokes grills pizza over and more, at The Stove House your local woodburner shop in Midhurst nr Chichester nr Haslemere

Take a look at our full range of outdoor products and see which ones suit your style of cooking and heating needs and get in touch with me if you have any questions as I think you'll want one or even 2 of them to entertain your friends and family this Summer. Plus its cheaper to cook on than your indoor cooker with the way fuel prices are set to rise again soon 😒

 Looking forward to hearing from you.

Keep safe, keep warm and keep smiling,

Kindest Regards


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