Tar and Creosote Build Up In Your Chimney and/or Flue – The Stove House

Tar and Creosote Build Up In Your Chimney Flue

Tar and Creosote Build Up 

Tar build up in flue and chimney and how to stop it-by the stove house 01730 810931

Are you finding black heavy deposit build up inside your stove and on the glass? What's happening on the inside of your stove door and on the glass is the same as what's happening on the inside of your flue but it will have turned into tar and creosote! This can increase the risk of chimney fires, eat into your metal flue liner and reduce your stove's efficiency.

All is not lost, you can prevent this by:

  1. Keeping your stove running medium to high and not be tempted to damp it down.
  2. Only burn hard seasoned or kiln dried wood.
  3. At the end of the burn season leave the stove door a jar or at least leave all the air vents fully open on it.
  4. Check the draw in your chimney is strong and keep it well swept.
  5. Invest in some chimney cleaning granules, which you put on your fire and it loosens the tar deposits. It lasts ages too. (We sell this in our showroom.)


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