Parkray Aspect 8 Multifuel Stove with Multifuel Kit - The Stove House

Parkray Aspect 8 Multifuel Stove In Tudor Stone Fireplace By The Stove House

Parkray Aspect 8 Multifuel Stove Supplied and installed by The Stove House, between Chichester and Haslemere. 01730 810931

This Tudor style stone fireplace is the new home for the efficient Parkray Aspect 8 stove with Multifuel kit. It boasts a large window so you can view the beauty of the flames in this stove with ease. Some of its other features include:

    • Tripleburn Technology
    • Airwash to keep glass clean
    • Heat output = 6-11kW
    • Nominal = 6kW
    • Efficiency on wood = 79.2%
    • CO emission at 13% O2 = 0.12%
    • Energy efficiency class = A

For more information on The Stove House installation service which offers a full fitting service by HETAS qualified installers please contact us here. A survey will be carried out and a full quotation will be emailed to you usually within 2 hours of the appointment.



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