Cleanburn Lovenholm Multifuel Stove Fitted by The Stove House

Cleanburn Lovenholm Multifuel Stove Fitted by The Stove House

Cleanburn Lovenholm Multifuel Stove Supplied and Installed by The Stove House in Midhurst Nr Chichester and Haslemere 01730 810931
This fireplace was opened up and rendered, a Leathered Granite hearth fitted and then a Cleanburn Lovenholn Multifuel stove installed. Look at the result!
Are you interested in a survey and stove installation like this customer?  Please do contact us for a quote. Call us now on 01730 810931 or email us. The Stove House carry out installations in Chichester, Midhurst, Petworth, Worthing, Pulborough and surrounding areas.

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